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Access to instances

Creating instances

Follow the guide for Basic creation of a new VM instance and network configuration here to get your floating IP address, username, and private key.

The default username is usually named after the Linux distribution; for Ubuntu, it will be 'ubuntu', etc.

To connect using Windows (version 1803 or later), use the command prompt or terminal application:

ssh username@floating_IP -i C:\myfiles\private_key\id_ecdsa 

For example:

ssh ubuntu@ -i C:\mojepliki\Klucze_certy\id_ecdsa
If you get the error message:

The authenticity of host '' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:xxx. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

You'll need to modify the ACL permissions. Disinherit permission for the private key file and leave only the account we're working on.

To connect to a Windows instance, access it via the Windows interface.

You can set a password during installation, or afterward, using the private key to read the randomly assigned password (see step 1).

a) Set the password during installation:

On the 'Metadata' tab > System > Password > enter the 'admin_pass'.

b) Read the password using a private key:

Read Password

c) The password in OpenStack is stored as plain text, so you should change it immediately after the first login.

d) Add a firewall exception for RDP access. If your instance is 'exposed to the world', this rule should only allow traffic from a specific IP address or range. The below example shows a rule to allow all incoming traffic for demonstration purposes:

Firewall Rule