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1. First, a network must be created.
In the network tab, fill in the "Network Name".
In the subnet tab, fill in the "Subnet Name" and "Network Address".

Below is an example of the networks created:

2. Creating a router --

A router is a logical device that forwards data packets between networks. It also provides Layer 3 forwarding and NAT to provide external network access for servers in project networks.
Routers → Create router → enter a name and select which defined network it should be connected to.

3. Connect the previously created subnet to the created router: Network → select the created router → add interface


4. Creating a virtual machine instance. Compute → Instances → "Launch Instance"

  • In the "Details" tab, enter the name of the new instance

  • In the "Source" tab – select a system image from the available list and enter the desired volume size

  • In the "Flavors" tab – select the desired parameters (vcpus, RAM, etc.)

  • In the "Networks" tab, select the previously created network

  • In the "Key Pair" tab, generate a private and public key (asymmetric cryptography). The private key will be used to connect to the system (the private key should automatically download to the user's computer)

Create the machine using the "Launch Instance" button.

Floating IP

5. Create a "Floating IP address" – this IP address will be used to connect to the selected instance.

The generated IP address must be assigned to a specific instance.

6. Add the appropriate exceptions to the firewall:

Network → Security Groups → Manage Security Group Rules. More information → Security Groups Configuration

7. IPv6 network configuration can be found at this link → IPv6 Network Configuration in the Project

8. Connecting to the instance → Accessing the Instance